I really appreciate this post! This explains my day today and if you came up with this I am yet again amazed! Good thing you are studying English because you are great at using it!
I really appreciate this post! This explains my day today and if you came up with this I am yet again amazed! Good thing you are studying English because you are great at using it!
I really appreciate this post! This explains my day today and if you came up with this I am yet again amazed! Good thing you are studying English because you are great at using it!
I really appreciate this post! This explains my day today and if you came up with this I am yet again amazed! Good thing you are studying English because you are great at using it!
I did in fact come up with it. And does the fact that I wrote it at 6:26 this morning, after I had been up for 2 hours already tell you anything?
I love it.
I know how you feel!!! SDLY
Ha ha! This is SOOO me right now!!!
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