Four Things I Love About My Husband
1. The man can make me laugh. He is proabaly the happiest person I have ever known and is consistently so. It takes a lot to get him down and in turn helps me not get so down about some things.
2. His communication skills. Seriously. How many guys can you actually say this about? He is so open with me, its never a struggle to say what needs to be said. He is so open and this has made that entire aspect of marriage, well, easy!
3. His relationship with his dad. It is the sweetest thing, really. His dad is such an incredible guy, I just adore him. The relationship the two of them have is unlike anything I have ever seen. It speaks volumes about the DeCoria's in general.
4. His perspective. B never fails to paint a clear picture when I am struggling with something. The way he talks about faith, the future, the present, our future children, our struggles, our triumphs, our attitudes, family, EVERYTHING. He is so level headed and sees things so clearly. I love being allowed to see life through his eyes.
Four Movies We Can Watch More Than Once
1. I'll go with Meagan on this one and say the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I watched them all for the first time with him and throughly enjoyed them. It was the first time, but it won't be the last.
2. I might not say this but B would...The Matrix. He loves it. I just kind of smile and blink.
3. We have seen Jumper more than once...but I'm at a loss as to why.
4. I don't think we have a fourth.....
Four TV Shows We Watch
1. Man vs. Wild. This show will terrify, entertain, and disgust all at once. Bear Grylls is one brave guy.
2. Just because I record it...48 Hours Mystery, and honestly, I think it scares us both.
3. Also just because I record it...Food Network Challenge. I like this, I don't think he does but he watchs it because I like it.
4. When The Alaska Experiment was on we liked that, too.
Four Places We Have Been
1. Brazil
2. Mexico
3. Florida
4. Key West...I guess that is Florida, too...
Four People Who E-Mail Me Regularly
1. My mom
2. Blogger
3. School
4. Pottery Barn
Four Favorite Foods
1. Sushi!
2. Crab Ravioli from Market Street Broiler (to DIE for!)
3. Chocolate Cake
4. Popcorn
Four Places We Would Like To Visit
1. Back to Brazil
2. Europe
3. All 50 states
4. Asia
Four Things We Are Looking Foreward To In The Next Year
1. Being debt free! We are on our way!
2. Buying a house.
3. Me graduating.
4. Actually living in the same state as one another.
Four People I Tag
1. JaLee
2. Taunya
3. Ginger
4. Cristi
December Happenings
8 years ago
That was a cute post! I wish I knew your hubby better, but reading that kind of let me! Thanks darlin, miss ya
You forgot that you guys are excited to live with me! Dang it!
I absolutely LOVE this one! And I will do it. But I need to get going for the day today. If I don't get to this in the next day or two, remind me. I love you!
Ok, there you go again... making me tear up. :) I love the relationship you and Bubbs have! It is truly a remarkable thing. I cannot thank you enough for taking care of him and loving him. You are such a gift to our family. :)
Ahh Jules,
I love it! That was fun to read... Thank You for tagging me to do this. Just one question, how do I do it???
I miss you, I probably won't be back to GJ until Friday. I'm really nervous driving back by myself being this far along, so I want to wait until Bill and I can follow each other.
Good Luck on your interviews this week. I sure Love you! You're such a wonderful friend!
P.S. You need to submit that wedding photo of you two dancing to some professional.... it's so stunning and original!
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