Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cristi's Creation's

My darling friend Cristi has created a website full of darling blog templates that she has made (yes, made) and they are free for anyone to use. Click here to see just one of her many endless and creative talents.

Monday, January 26, 2009


I need my Sleeza's tonight

My sisters, my best friends. Katie(Katty)Haley(Bug).

I need them for no other reason than they are my Sleeza's.

I need late nights, puzzles, and movies.
Beds on the floor, projects, late night shopping, unflattering nicknames.
Indoor painting projects, tears, our apartment in Orem.
Sharing clothes, sharing stories, sharing irritating character traits.
Trips to Richfield, being unreasonable, pulling pranks on our mom.
Crying together, laughing together, missing Dad together.
Always missing Dad together.
They get the big hard messy stuff, I get it, too.
Because they are amazing. Beautiful. Brilliant. Strong. Stubborn.
That's why I need them. Not because there is big, hard, messy stuff now, but because they get it. They did it.
Our hearts learned to beat the same way.
I don't want to forget that.

I miss my sister's tonight.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Who: Husband. Wife.

When: Approximately 11:53pm

What: Uproarious giggles

Description of Events: After rolling out of bed and stumbling around in the dark in search of the bathroom, said husband harrumphs and garrumphs in frustration over the total darkness of the bedroom. Moments later, said wife hears, "Go, go Gadget light!" followed by the illumination of the room with green light cast by said husband's digital watch, leading to uncontrollable giggling of said wife. Said wife loves said husband.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dearest Haley/Baby Sleeza/Donkey,

I was just wondering, where did you get your fire? It's just so big. Who lit it?

Me? Sure I've got fire, but its more like a slow burning match. Or maybe its just that I am more stubborn than fiery. Maybe that's a whole other issue...anyway, I digress.

I respect your fire. You don't tolerate intolerance, unkindness, disrespect, or cruelty, and you have no problem calling the offender on their offense. I'm not really sure how to do that, but I'd like to. I guess that's my slow burning match for you...I'll just burn a tiny hole and become a bit irritating.

I admire your you no doubt admire my ability to rhyme. You're fire is brave, it doesn't flicker. I like that about you, that you don't flicker. I love my flickerless, fearless, fiery sister. You have guts that I think God forgot to give me. You are surprising, amazing, and fierce. You can do everything, and do it well. You do everything I can't do and you do it with a little kick. I hope to be more like you. Everybody should be more like you. Really.

I'm jealous of your fire. I just thought you should know.

Sleeza D.