Thursday, August 21, 2008

Grandma Millie Glasses + Husband = Belly Laughs at 2am

I just luff him.


Just Us said...

there are just no words for that...

Cristi said...

= belly laughs for me at 10:17 pm! :) This is something I can picture Jeff doing. Although he'd die before he'd ever let me post pictures on our blog! Ha ha!

Lindsey said...

I'm so glad you have a hubby who can make you laugh! Props to B! I can't wait to see you either! We said next Thurs, right? I loved your comment this morning! Modest cleavage...hee hee! That's how I roll! Also, can't wait to hear what is apparently "obvious!" Love ya!

Taunya said...

HAHAHA! Thats all I can manage to say! I'm laughing too hard to type anything else!

Meagan DeLange said...

Those glasses are SO funny : )!

Haley said...

Oh Brother Husband he is "special"!

The Allen Family said...

Can I just tell you, I love that picture of you two dancing. You look beautiful! How are things? How is Katie doing?

bd said...

Dude that is rockin', did the glasses. There's so much lens it's like there not even there! WOW! hahahahaha

Unknown said...

LMAO did Grandma Milly know?