JaLee tagged me...I must confess my favorite toys, embarrassing or not. ..
First...I'd have to say my iPod. I love this little thingy. I use it almost daily, at the gym, walking to school, or when I am cleaning around the house (our walls are paper thin and oh, how the sound carries). It somehow makes the mundaneness of climibing stairs for 45 minutes (and getting nowhere) much, MUCH less dreadful. I love it, love, love, love it.
Secondly, I am going to have to say...books. Loads and loads of books. I currently have two stacks of books that need to be read. The first my pleasure reads, the pile that will probably never quit growing, seeing as how I add them faster than I can read them. The other is the "Must" reads, for school. This pile although interesting is daunting because of the material. (Can I just say how LONG WINDED Henery James and Virginia Woolf are? Oh brother..)
Third? Hmmm... I am going to say DVR. This is a fairly new addition...But I love it. I love not missing CSI or A&E Biography or.......The Girls Next Door (This is soo my guilty pleasure). It sure makes may bouts of insomnia a bit more entertaining than say....infomercials.
Fourth is me bed....oh dear...that may have sounded not quite right as one of my favorite toys! Ha...but honestly. I adore my bed. It induces in a person the exact image of what the word "slumber" means and should feel like.
Fifth is crocheting. (This list is an awful lot like JaLee's...all in the family right?) This is perhaps the only domestic thing that I do consistently and not terribly (besides cleaning!). I only know one stitch. Just one. but it has allowed me to make hats, scarves, and a whole blanket...which I completely unraveled and started over...twice. I like having something to do with my hands and the feeling of creating something.
Alas, I must also conclude that I, too, am something of a dork. But I think its ok. Better a dork than a weirdo. I tag Lindsey, Kandace, Launi, Krya, and Cristi.
December Happenings
8 years ago
ok... that hat is so cute! Did you make that? I want to make one. I really do need another project....right...
Hi Julie, I am so glad to here from you. We are living in Viva las Vegas. If you get a chance come on down and roll the dice! I must be out of the loop but what does tagged mean. I must really be the dork! Talk to you soon.
You have to confess your favorite toys...Linds did it too, you can get an idea. I would love to come visit sometime! My employer is a very loyal 4 seasons customer. Maybe your hubby knows them. I want to keep in touch and know about your life! I am so happy you found me!
Julie! I was so happy to hear about your blog! Here I thought I was the only blogger in the fam! I love your favorite toys and your pics of you and Bubbs. I had no idea that you knew how to crochet! You have all kinds of talents! Cant wait to you guys again! Love ya tons!
JULIE!!! what a shocker to hear from you! It is so fun to have this little blogging world and get reaqauinted again. You and your hubby look adorable together, how long have you been married? Thank you SO much for writing to me, how fun to find each other.. (hope you don't mind, I posted your blog link from my blog)! Have a good day!!
Thanks for the tag little miss! SO glad you liked the Bucket List and I agree - my sister would probably like Jack Nicholsen more if she saw that...so good
Julie I was so excited to find your blog! This is Lindsey (Barney) your good ole neighbor and roommate. The last name throws off a lot of people so I just thought I'd clarify. You look so happy in all of your pictures. How is your family? Where is Katie now? My blog is lindseyandtravis.blogspot.com check it out if want. I'm so excited to keep in contact with you!
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