Hoocus...or Hookus. Either way you spell it, you probably don't know what is, unless you are of the Hansen family. I have been sick three times in the last month. I need a vacation.
December Happenings
8 years ago
Hoocus...or Hookus. Either way you spell it, you probably don't know what is, unless you are of the Hansen family. I have been sick three times in the last month. I need a vacation.
Posted by Julie at 8:01 PM
or, more likely, you need to stress less
Hmmmm, I'd have to agree on this....
miss...that doesn't sound good, whatever it is...need soup or anything?
There is always a bright side to everything...having "Hoocus" is better than "Pooderoodis"... :)
oh yes, lester is correct. pooderoodis is no good at all. be thankful for the hoocus.
I thought it was prooderudis........hmmm....is all i know is that is that I have it too, but thanks to the Neti pot Jule, I am breathing and sleeping at night. By the the way Julie, I have a confession......I was driving home tonight and thinking that as hard as the past 10 years.....yes, 10 years have been. I would do life exactly the same no changes.....same decisions because, if I didn't I might have different kids and I have seen other peoples kids...and I don't want them....I like my kids.....they are kind, they are real, they are beautiful, funny and wise beyond their years. They are all grown and I wouldn't change or trade them, not only do I love them, but in fact, I genuinely like them.....now just how many moms can say that?
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