Tuesday, February 26, 2008

This Morning...

I discovered a gray hair. That's right.

I am horrified.


Haley said...


kate said...

grrr...she stole my comment. that's what i was gonna say.

Cristi said...

Oh my gosh! This made me laugh so hard! Wait until your MY age, Julie! It's all downhill from here! Luckily Jeff says "White hair would be totally cool!" Ha ha! Maybe Brandon thinks the same!

Mary Beck said...

AHHHHHH!!!! That is hte funniest thing I've heard all day, love you Julie! You are halarious. And hey- I think we all have them, you're just willing to admit it, so don't feel to bad:)

Just Us said...

Are you sure it just isn't really really blonde...like white-blonde?
I'm sure thats it!

Lindsey said...

Now maybe you understand when I shudder every time my mom suggests I go back to my natural hair color..not so cute when you have grey hairs! I totally find them sporadically...sad...

Lamb said...

Really funny! You better call elaine!